I have always wondered how hard would Bruce Wayne have had to train to perform optimally in the batsuit, especially against physically and mentally superior foes such as Ras' al Ghul (don't get me started on Bane).
Bruce Wayne is a skilled gymnast and advanced martial artist. He is 6'1", 210 pounds, and somewhere between 35-43 years old. Lets say he has 6% body fat, which means he has about 197 pounds of lean mass.
He starts his week with 30 minutes of meditation and runs 20 miles in 30 minutes. He then stretches for 30 minutes and spars for 30 minutes. He then proceeds to clean and jerk a 262lb barbell 24 times and finishes off with 50 pull ups.
Leave me alone Catwoman, I'm benching |
On Monday, he executes 5 sets on a 20ft rope climb (helpful for building upper body strength to swing on those infernal grappling hooks). 84 high box jumps, 30 minutes on gymnastic rings, and 1 hour working the heavy bag and sparring gets him into combat shape.

On Tuesday, he cranks out 3 sets of 100 pushups, followed by bench pressing 8 sets of 30 reps with 360lbs. Then he tones his arms with 3 sets of 10 renegade rows. He finishes with 1 hour of Tai jutsu.
Wednesday is dedicated to meditation and weapons training. Bruce practises with the rattan, the bo staff, and the katana, fully understanding that he will have to do battle against Ras al' Gul, his arch nemesis. Weapons training strengthens the mind-body link, enabling him to respond quickly and efficiently to multiple martial art styles.
On Thursday, he prepares for the day by meditating for 30 minutes, before loading the bar for 3 sets of 8 barbell presses. He spends time on the ring perfecting his Maltese cross and muscle ups. He them cranks out preacher curls, supersetting with tricep kickbacks. He needs strong arms to lift heavy weights off people.
On Friday, Bruce trains his core by flipping heavy tractor tyres. He then swings a 30lb sledgehammer against the tyre. He then proceeds to slam down 1000lbs on the leg press (yeah, that's how he builds those phenomenal quads!).
Saturday, he stays in and watches TV, even Batman needs an off day. He calls Catwoman over for some 'mutual exercise'.
Now, thats how you build a superhero!
Saturday, he stays in and watches TV, even Batman needs an off day. He calls Catwoman over for some 'mutual exercise'.
Now, thats how you build a superhero!
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