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Saturday 19 January 2013


A 12 week transformation ( Yes, Its the same guy)

These are the experiences of people who took charge and decided to change their body to fit their desires.
After transforming my body through 12 weeks of show prep, the physical and mental results were something I knew I didn't want to live without ever again. Living fit allows me to set goals, both big and small. Working toward goals every day fuels my passion......

 Living fit drives and keeps me convinced that this is the right way to live because of the balance and structure it provides. Working out and eating clean energizes me, keeps my mind clear, and allows me to stay focused in all aspects of my life. Of course, I have days where this isn't the case, but overall, fitness has greatly improved my quality of life. It has made me a better mother, wife, friend, and person. We're all busy people with obligations and responsibilities outside of the gym. Finding balance is important; with all that goes on in my life with kids, training, college classes, etc., having balance allows me to enjoy the journey. It is truly rewarding. 

My view of myself definitely changed. I realized I have an incredible amount of determination and drive inside of me. I never knew it existed. I figure, I'm just a regular dude, so if it it's inside of me, then it's inside of everyone.

..So whats your excuse

Thursday 3 January 2013


2012 made it 10 years since I started lifting weights ( I started lifting weights before I started bodybuilding).

Looking back, I'm happy I started this journey, as it has revealed abilities I never knew existed and opened doors for me which may have otherwise stayed closed

But this happened because I genuinely desired to change how I looked; I was angry, sick and tired of every bully trying to pick on me and I took the decision to DO WHATEVER IT TOOK to get stronger. This desire helped me bear the pain of each workout, and push myself harder towards getting the Ideal body.  
The Ideal Body?

What about you? What do you see when you look in the mirror? How badly do you personally want to change the way you look? Are you someone who has been "satisfied" with how you look but could make "improvements"? If so, is working out even necessary for you?

When I started lifting weights, I didn't understand the depth of what I was doing; I merely lifted weights because an uncle told me that was the way to get free from bullies. But as I developed in body, and nourished my mind with private study, I discovered that the pursuit of mere muscle growth was very shallow. True bodybuilding is about creating a healthy mind within a healthy body. It is about continually growing both physically and intellectually.

Do you, personally, really need to bodybuild? Perhaps you have already given bodybuilding or exercise a shot. Maybe it didn't work for you. Was what you did really effective?

This is an important question because your physical health depends upon the answer!!!! Count the cost and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will I make the time to workout consistently?
  • Will I cook all of my own food that I require?
  • Will I manage my time so as to allow for my workouts?
  • Will I be able to afford to be a bodybuilder?
  • Is this something that is a fad, or will I live it?
Bodybuilding is a way of life based on excellence, and will assist you in developing character traits that will be with you throughout your life. The personal riches that a bodybuilding way of life can offer you are endless. But to maximise your potential, you must be honest with yourself and understand what you are getting yourself into, because its not something your pick up and drop, it's a lifelong religion.

Remain Muscled,