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Friday 28 June 2013


How many times have you heard that "time is money"?

Do you remember the time tables we used to have when we were younger? these tables provided certainty, you knew exactly what to do, when to do it, and the penalty for not doing it.

Time management has been the rage in the past decade. As people work harder and have less time to devote to what they love to do, the impulse is to drop any difficult activities, such as going to the gym. Unfortunately, our bodies will not keep themselves in shape, and we need to take responsibility for our physical fitness and wellness.

In these busy times, customising your fitness schedule around your time availability and your needs is essential; you can't afford to live your fitness to chance, the same way you wouldn't leave your clothes to chance.

With the advent of time management and productivity improvement tools, it has become easier to manage your fitness schedule with the required discipline. Tools like your phone calendar, Google Calendar, or you could design one on Microsoft Word. You could also download and print out a workout calendar from

In designing your calendar, start with your goal (health,fat loss, muscle gain), the location of your exercises (home, office, gym), duration (30 mins, 1 hour...),  the equipment you will be working with (weights, bars,) and the commencement time of the workout.

NOTE: The only way to obtain sustainable results is by DISCIPLINED, CONSISTENT, HARD WORK.


Tuesday 4 June 2013


Exams are over.... finally!!!!!!

After six months of unrelenting academic drudgery, I have packed my books, articles and notes far from my sight; from now onwards, I'm going to kick back, rest and think about the future ( Can I hear an amen!!!). I'm now working hard to shed all the extra weight I gained while studying for exams and regain my six pack in time for summer.  

A lot of students also want to lose some weight or build some muscle before summer, but they  want to stay out of the wonderful sun instead of working out in a dreary gym. This got me thinking about ways of working out in a fun, collaborative environment, while enjoying the sun.

On my way back from a class picnic last week, I discovered a free outdoor gym at Mile End Park with a fitness bike, a chest press machine, a cross trainer, an abdominal bench, a ski machine and a treadmill. The zone has a traversing wall, kickwall, basketball goal, tennis wall and freestyle area for aerobics and martial arts. I particularly liked the dip bars and the pull up bars.

I have found several outdoor gyms in many parks and playgrounds in London, so if you don't have the spare cash for a gym membership, or you wish to take a break from indoor training and have some fun in the sun ,then you can make use of these facilities.