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Saturday 30 June 2012

MIND POWER V STRENGTH: wheres the link?

You 'Mirin?

On my way back from a meeting one day, I saw a poster on the wall depicting a frog holding on to a reed for dear life and bearing the legend "Nothing is impossible for the person that doesnt give up, consistency is the key to success".

As I stood in that hallway pondering the truth of that inscription, I realised that the reason many people fall of the fitness train is inability to maintain consistency.

We often measure ourselves against bodybuilders and athletes, people who spend several hours everyday building their bodies and honing theri ability to perform far beyond the capability of the common man. The key to their success is not only consistency, but an attitude geared at winning.

Many people go to the gym thinking they are really using their mind because they’re using their willpower to whip their bodies into submission. However, what they are really doing is causing more tension as their bodies fight against the confusing, impuslsive and sometimes dangerous commands coming from their minds.

We have to work towards building ourselves from the inside out, When you apply the right kind of energy to the action at hand, then you’ve adapted your mind to work for you rather than against you.

To me it’s like choosing the right tool for the right job. A hammer is not going to work so well on a screw. A screwdriver would be better. A drill would be even better. Sometimes people get so caught up in choosing the right tool that they forget to apply how it even relates to the job at hand. There should be a connection between the activity you perform and the objective you have at hand.

As we go into a new week, strive to meld your mind and body into a harmonious union aimed at reaching untold highs.

You 'Mirin?

Friday 29 June 2012


How to Lose a Lower Abdominal Bulge

We all know the feeling..... the nightmare of most men

You wake up the morning after a particularly sumptuous meal, you look in the mirror, only to see a big fat bulge manifesting itself in your midsection. This was the reality that faced me a few days ago.

However, it is a sad fact that most men will have to face up to, and overcome. Sadly, many of us are too busy to invest the time and effort required to subjugate that annoying bulge.

There are several easy and inexpensive ways of battling the bulge, but dealing with the harmful habits that got you there in the first place is considerably more difficult.

Here are a few exercises that would help you manage your weight and build muscle, with minimal time investment

Can You Bulk Up Doing High Repetition Sets?

    I normally do this in the morning while I run my bath water. You lean agaist the wall, preferably at a 45 degree angle; using only your elbows for leverage, bend forward until your chin touches the wall
and gently push yourself back up.  It will help build your chest and shoulders, while adding that spark that will help torch that buildup of fat.
When I am in the office and I feel the need to stretch, I sometimes raise myself on the handles of my chair, come down like I want to sit down and just before my butt touches the chair, I lift off again. this helps me build strong triceps while giving me the opportunity to stretch my back muscles.

This should be fairly obvious; if you work on the 3rd floor of your office building and you use the stairs everyday, you would have carried out about 20 mins of exercise by the end of the week.

Fitness needn't be difficult, its just our attitude towards it that stinks. Make the decision to change your liffestyle.

Monday 25 June 2012


I have heard that exercise increases your sex drive, is this true? I have noticed that my stamina is slipping when I make love and that I can’t hold anything but the missionary for any amount of time. What kinds of exercises are recommended for maintaining an active sex life?

You heard right. There is no better way to wake up your libido while increasing your sexual stamina and activity than by adding regular physical exercise to your daily routine. Getting your body moving is potent medicine–not only do you rev up your hormones, flush out stress, increase blood flow and increase your physical strength. But the emotional and mental benefits are perhaps even more inspiring–exercise builds our confidence and ability to persist.

Perhaps the most direct benefit of regular exercise to building an active sex life is that through exercise, you wake up to your body. Getting in touch with your body as you work out, hearing your heart beat in your chest, feeling sweat down your face, driving the effort of building up muscles you forgot you had. The energy and sensation of living in a body–awake and working–is sexy. You feel sexier when your body is strong and supple and taking that body image into the bedroom makes a big difference with arousal.

Exercise triggers endorphins, the body’s feel good hormones. It also increases testosterone, which is one of the body’s true natural aphrodisiacs for both men and women. Exercise is one of the best and most natural mechanisms to increase testosterone. It’s not surprising that in a study of 30,000 men, in their fifties and beyond, found that regular vigorous exercise is associated with a thirty percent lower risk of erectile dysfunction compared to men who didn’t exercise.

Cardio Conditioning and Aerobic Exercise 

Passionate sex gets your heart racing and like vigorous exercise stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which increases heart rate and blood pressure. Regular aerobic workouts whether running, biking, swimming or just rapid walking will keep your heart primed and prepared for more excitement between the sheets. A recent study demonstrated that women who watched an erotic movie after 20 minutes of exercise felt more aroused and even showed increased blood flow to the genitals than the control group of women who viewed the film without exercise. Feeling our own body work is where the turn on starts.

Core Strength Training 

Pilates is synonymous with core strength. The deliberate and concentrated routine of learning to recognize the complex muscle and ligament structures that allow us to stand up straight and move through life without back pain. After decades of dealing with back pain, I began to practice Pilates several times a week. It has literally changed my life. The strength and confidence of moving through my days pain free is only part of the gift, the stamina, flexibility, and depth of sensation that I now enjoy during intimacy is mind blowing. Learning about your pelvic anatomy and developing strength in your hips is the anti aging medicine of our time.

Muscle Building 

Keeping your body strong and agile whether through a regular routine of push ups and sit ups or a weight lifting program is important for good sex. Not only can a strong body last longer but having muscle mass will prevent injury both in and out of bed. The physical translates to the emotional and mental, which is to say that when you feel weak physically, your mental and emotional states will mirror that.


What makes strength meaningful both in bed and in life is our flexibility. Taking the time to deeply feel and release the tension that lives in our body is a metaphor for life. Learning to hold positions that stretch us, and make our limbs, torso and pelvis limber and supple give us the ability to respond sexually. Again, what lives in us physically often reflects in our emotional and mental world as well. Stretching our bodies teaches us to open and relax. A few good stretches to include every day are pelvic lifts and butterfly openers which stretch out the hips and can wake you up to where sexual desire resides in the body.

While sex itself is perhaps the most fun and rewarding exercise out there…getting out and experiencing the strength, endurance and flexibility that lives in your body will not only improve your overall health mood , but it is guaranteed to enhance your sexual wellbeing and experience in ways that you can hardly imagine.

Breathe Each Other’s Breath

Harmonizing your breath is one of the easiest ways to sync with your partner. Straddle your partner’s lap  and inhale while they exhale and vice versa. As your partner breathes out, you’ll find yourself taking their breath into and down through your entire body. As you exhale, consciously attempt to energize the breath. In this way, you’re sharing all of yourself with your partner. “Becoming conscious about your breath is central to all yogic practices and is foundational in Tantra,

Keep Your Eyes Open

The idea of making love with your eyes open is one of the fundamentals of deep connection in intimacy. It is surprisingly harder to do than you might expect. Move toward this idea as an intention rather than a rule and be amazed as the collection of glimpses that will reshape how you think about your partner and yourself. It is not easy to be seen, even by the people we love. Truly witnessing the act of love is profoundly transformative.”

Take it Slow

Sorry guys, foreplay is essential. A leisurely, slow build helps men control longevity and piques women’s arousal. The longer you linger in this process of building energy, the longer your session will last and the more energy you will build. Use this time to fully focus on each other. As in meditation, when your thoughts wander, gently guide your attention back to your partner and the magic of the moment at hand.

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Monday 18 June 2012



I sincerely apologise for the long delay, I was suffering from something many of us are familiar with, too much work. I started a new job recently, and I suddenly found myself swamped by a flurry of tasks, court sittings, meetings and activities which have removed me far from what I love the most, which is reaching out to others.

During the course of the past month, I have realised that the kind of exercise regime required by most busy people is one which delivers maximum gain with a sustained, but low time investment ( I dont see myself having 30 mins to blow in the weight room, or jogging down the street!)

To this end, I devoted myself to discovering a range of exercises and workouts which busy people could apply to enhance their fitness levels and improve their productivity. Recently I tried Yoga and found the physical and mental benefits to be extraordinary. I knew that yoga can relieve stress and build muscle tone and increase flexibility but I didn''t know that some of the postures can balance hormones and improve sleep. The breathing techniques were phenomenal!

I found that amongst the many fitness methods I have tried, Yoga provided the greatest degree of benefits, with a minimal time investment.  For instance,I could get away with performing 3 circuits of the Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun) within 5 minutes and still feel like I had done a nice workout. I experimented with mixing Yoga and weight training,and I found that my energy levels increased, my stress levels dropped, and my self awareness blossomed beyond my expectation.

I hope to continue my journey towards ultiate fitness through Yoga and I recommend that you seek out the closest Yoga class to you, or you could watch some yoga videos on YouTubeto get a feel of the art form.
