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Friday 6 June 2014


It sometimes happens that you want to train, but can't find any weights within a mile from your location; or you just dont want to pay those high gym subsrciption fees. In such situations, it helps to be ble to build weights for yourself using readily available and inexpensive material. In this article I will discuss 3 ways to improvise and build your own weights.
1. Milk Gallon Dumbells: Take 2 one gallon (or 5 litre) plastic milk jugs/oil jugs/water jugs and fill them with sand or water. This should give you about 5kg of weight. Use them to perform each exercise to failure i.e till your muscles cannot perform another rep. Milk jugs can also be used like kettlebells, providing you with the benefit of a kettlebell workout, without the attendant cost.
You can take this exercise to the next level by creating heavy weights for deadlifts and squats with 25 or 50 litre cans. This will provide you with fantastic gains at a fraction of the cost of maintaining a gym subscription.
Work It
2. Concrete Dumbells: I started out with these and I'm a big advocate of this inexpensive fitness option. You can make your own crude weights using just cement, gravel, toilet paper/paper towel rolls, and a bucket.
  • Place the cardboard roll in the center of the bucket, and pour the mixed concrete into the bucket. The granite increases the weight.
  • Once the concrete has dried, cut the bucket off and you now have a weight disc to put on your barbell.
  • Cover the concrete with epoxy paint to prevent it from cracking, and make as many as you want.
Alter the thickness of the concrete and the size of the bucket to change the weight of the disc. To determine how much each weighs, place it on a scale once it has dried. You can make some pretty heavy weights for the cost of a couple of concrete bags.

 Sandbag Weights: To do this you need the following, Empty rice or sugar shipping sack (the local supermarkets sell them, they are like potato sacks), Sand, Duct tape, Rope, an old duffel bag (optional).

1.  Fill the sacks with sand until desired weight is reached. (use a bucket so that you can fill to the top and have an equal distribution of sand in both sacks).
2. Tie a loop at the top of the sack.
3. Use the rope to tie and secure the loop so it doesn’t open
4. Reinforce the bottom and sides of the sack with duck tape
And that is all, rinse and repeat to make as many weights as you want.

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