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Tuesday 6 May 2014


If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.  Stand apart from the rest.  Get fit or get out!Get the body you want now! Free report on: How to gain rock solid #muscle without the fat & experience insane:(Men’s fitness.

Many of us fail to push our arms to the limit. This workout will destroy every muscle fibre in your arms, forcing your body to develop a whole new set of triceps, biceps and deltoid (shoulder) muscles.
There are few sensations that even approach the feeling of pushing yourself beyond THAT point you felt you could not reach. You'll feel it today as you feel your muscles push beyond what you thought was there capacity. During this workout, most of the exercises will be carried out till failure, this means the point where you are physically incapable of carrying out one more rep. At this point, you can rest for 10 seconds and drink some water.
Warm up:
To fully enjoy the benefits of this workout, you will have to start from a point of muscle exhaustion. Therefore, the warmup will consist of the following:
10 Sets of 10 Tricep Pushdowns
10 Sets of 10 Bicep Curls
This 200 rep will leave your arms weeping for mercy, but remember this is just a warm up, the aim to break through your mental barriers and access that reserve of strength and endurance that lies within you.
Now we go into the workout proper:
 One arm dumbell preacher curl (2 sets working till failure): This isolates the biceps for a kick ass pump. Make sure you place your feet square on the ground, avoiding the temptation to use your body to heft the weight.
French Curl (2 Sets working till failure): This will set your already exhausted triceps on fire. Grip one heavy dumbbell behind your head using both of your hands. Lower the weight behind you, until your forearm is parallel to the floor, and then heave it up using the meaty muscles of your triceps.
T-Curl: This is a merger between the dumbell flye and the dumbell curl. This workout lengthens your biceps, whilst pumping blood into each fiber. Crank out 2 sets, going till failure on each one and having no mercy on your body.
Dumbell Kickback: You'll carry out 2 sets of 40 reps per arm. By now, I guess you're crying with pain, but remember that your body can take anything, it's your mind that needs to adapt to the pain. This exercise hits the triceps head directly, turning your arms into molten lead.
Pull Ups: Perform a chin-up in three positions: wide grip, normal grip, and close grip. Make sure your palms face toward you to emphasize the biceps. Perform 10 reps for each position, totaling 30 reps.
If you get to this point in the workout, you'll probably feel like your arms have been injected with sulphuric acid. That's good, it means you've moved to the next level. Make sure you hydrate properly throughout the workout and consume a lot of protein to help rebuild the  muscle fibers you've just destroyed.
Get ready for muscle annihilation!!!!

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