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Tuesday 27 May 2014


CrossFit began with Greg Glassman, a trainer and gymnast who started training clients in his garage in the 1970s. Over the past decade, CrossFit has swelled to a subculture of gyms with more than 1,500 locations worldwide. they usually contain some combination of bodyweight exercises, plyometrics, Olympic lifts, sprinting and use of implements like kettlebells. The training is intense and done for a time - workouts rarely last more than 20 to 30 minutes. Thus, while CrossFit followers typically join to improve performance, they inevitably build muscle and get leaner, too.
I scrounged around and dug up some CrossFit exercises which will spice up your workout repetoire and swiftly improve your strength and muscle definition. Perform the exercise as a circuit, completing one set of each without rest. Between circuits, rest as little as possible. Do seven reps of each move and repeat for seven total circuits. Time yourself; try to beat your time each session.
 Renegade Rows:
Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell and get into push-up position while balancing on the weights. Keeping your shoulders squared, press one dumbbell into the floor while rowing the other bell to your ribs. Lower the weight and repeat on the other side.  Aim for 100 reps on each side.
Stand with feet at hip width and arms at your sides. Dip your hips and knees and swing your arms back to gather momentum. Jump as high as you can and then land with control. Immediately lower your body into a squat. Then touch the floor in front of you and shoot your legs back so you end up in push-up position. Perform a push-up. Then jump your legs back under your chest and stand up.
Overhead Medicine Ball Slam
Hold a medicine ball (use one that bounces) with both hands. Push your hips back and bend forward, lowering the ball almost to the floor between your legs with arms extended. Then explosively, swing the ball overhead, extending your legs and back so you come up onto the balls of your feet. Push your weight back into your hips and throw the ball down towards the floor as hard as you can and catch the ball as it bounces back up. This workout builds your rear delts, traps and shoulder muscles while increasing your heart rate.
Try out these few exercises and tell me how it feels in the morning.


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