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Monday 28 July 2014


They have many names, but they are best known as 'Christian mother' arms. Flabby triceps have been a bother to many women for centuries, irrespective of race. These arms have caused lots of embarrassment to individuals and with time, can affect a persons confidence.
Side plank reverse fly. This is a great exercise for building overall upper body strength. Although it doesn’t target the arms specifically, it will help build the necessary strength to do other arm-specific exercises. It is also fantastic for the oblique muscles along your side.
To perform the side plank reverse fly:
  1. Lie down on your side on the floor and prop yourself up with either your hand or elbow. The elbow is an easier option for beginners.
  2. Stack your feet one on top of the other and lift your hips off the floor so that your body form a diagonal line.
  3. With your free hand, grab a dumbbell and extend your arm straight up, keeping it in line with your shoulder.
  4. Slowly lower the dumbbell in front of you, until your arm is perpendicular to your body.
  5. Slowly raise the dumbbell back up, forming a “T” shape with your arm and the dumbbell. You have now completed one repetition.
Variations: Instead of stopping when the dumbbell is perpendicular with your body, you can keep going, rotating your body and twisting the dumbbell underneath, before returning to the starting position.
Clean Push ups. The push up is a pretty basic exercise, and one that most people have attempted at some point in their lives. It’s an exercise that has stuck around for a reason – it works. Push ups target the tricep muscle in your arm, although they also strengthen your pectorals, abdominals, quads and lower back, making it a great overall exercise.
To perform a basic push up:
  1. Lie face-down on the floor, keep your legs together and prop your feet up on your toes and the balls of your feet.
  2. Place your hands palms-down on the floor, approximately a shoulder width apart.
  3. Raise yourself up, using just the strength in your arms, until both arms are fully extended. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels. This is the start and end position for the push up.
  4. Slowly lower your body to the ground until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Inhale as you lower down.
  5. Slowly raise yourself back up into the extended arm position, exhaling as you do. You have now completed one repetition.
Variations: You can vary the basic push up exercise in a number of ways. If you’re just starting to build up strength in your arms, you can make the exercise slightly easier by keeping your knees on the ground throughout the exercise. You can also try a triangle push up, where your hands form a triangle with your forefingers and thumbs, directly below the breastbone.

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