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Saturday 4 January 2014


A new year has commenced, and resolutions have been made, including weight loss resolutions. This post is for those who desire to live their best life in 2014; those who will not be limited from achieving their goals by discomfort or inconvenience, those who are willing to face the mountain, and who will not give up trying until they attain victory. 


Beneath your skin lie the plans for your fastest, strongest, most powerful body. To build your strongest possible body, you have to understand your body (Note: I'm not talking about the thinnest body- thin does not translate to health!!!). Let the gym be the lab where you experiment and learn what works for you.
Smile and Be Sexy!!!

If you are to be successful, just follow these rules when you're in the gym. 

1. Have a Workout planned for each session: As the saying goes 'He who fails to plan, plans to fail". Keep a notebook and make sure you have your workout for the day written on that notebook before you venture into the gym. Some phone apps may serve this purpose, but to my mind nothing beats pencil and paper!
2. Set a minimum time limit: We all have that day, when you just don't feel like training. On such a day, make a commitment to spend a minimum time in the gym carrying out meaningful work. You should spend at least 15 minutes.

3. Set a maximum time limit to your workout:  Many people come into the gym all pumped up and ready to work - until they meet a friend, or that hot prospect. Protect yourself from distraction by setting a definite time limit for your workout. As a general rule I set a 45-60 minute limit


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