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Friday 6 April 2012

5 ways to look good Naked this Easter

a bit risque...but you get the idea

Hi, I'm a 16 year old girl and i absolutely hate myself. I feel like I am different to everyone else and I would go to any lengths to be a size 6-8. I have considered everything, I have dieted and exercised. I am now considering diet tablets and I have no doubt that liposuction is on the cards for my future. I can't be happy until I have it. To be honest I just needed somewhere to write this down X


It is said that the mirror never lies....  In truth, it shows you what you wish to see

For many people, the mirror is the only time they ever see their toes . . . their excess flab, their love handles and every other bit hang without support – which means ‘how to look good naked’ is more than looking good in clothes.

And I believe the best way for you to look good naked is for you to actually work on your body so it’s the best it can be. It’s not shallow or shameful to want to look great – it’s basic human nature. I doubt there’s even one of us who would rather be ugly unless we have psychological problems about attracting attention.

Nevertheless you can do a lot without making yourself feel bad about your body and feeling you are less than perfect because you can’t manage 2 hours a day in the gym.

So what can you do WITHOUT too much effort?

1. Love Yourself - Just as you are!!!!

This is the first step to looking good naked is to be comfortable in your own skin.  Adore your body despite its imperfections.

You could work out 10 hours a day, buy the best clothes, skin products and make up, but none of that will matter if you don’t love yourself. What you feel about yourself on the inside will always show through no matter what you do to mask it.

So each day take time to honour yourself , look in the mirror and appreciate the person staring back, and then the tips below will only serve to enhance that which is already fabulous. Listen when people tell you that you look faboulous and start believing it.

2.  Join an activity that makes you feel AMAZING!!!!

Sometimes you want your fitness routine to work so badly, you go to the gym  and do things you don’t always want to do. Sometimes, it sucks. Sometimes, it’s rewarding, but it's never fun.

Finding an activity you enjoy and can stick with in the long term can be difficult. In fact, boredom is one reason people give up on their workouts soon after they start.

Why do you want to get fit? Health benefits? To feel athletic? To finish a triathlon? To feel more energetic? Figure out what makes you want to be fit and place reminders of your reasons around your home.

List activities that you enjoy doing. these can be everyday activities like walking the dog, gardening, cleaning, cooking etc.  The list can also include things you used to like in the past, but haven't been able to practice in some time, like a sport you played in your teen years.

Connect with people around you that share your purpose.They will motivate you when you feel discouraged. 

3. Walk Gracefully and Confidently

To be graceful, it helps a lot to be physically fit. So if you don't exercise, now is the time to start. You don't have to run marathons or lift huge weights. Just do a little at a time, and do it consistently every day, or at least a couple of times a week. Yoga can really be of great help!

The trick to looking graceful is to move smoothly. You want to look as though every move is deliberate and considered, but not too slow or hurried. This will take some practice. 

Graceful people stand up straight and sit straight. Don't slouch when you're sitting at your desk (adjust the chair height if needed). You might want to consult a chiropractor, if you can afford it. If you work for a big company, chances are you can get an expert to make sure your work space is "ergonomically correct."

4. Shave any Excess Hair
 Disregard this if you want to look like a gorilla.

5. DANCE!!!!!

Don't just dance in dance class. Dance on your own time. You don't need to be at a party, and in fact it might help if you practice alone. Just put on some music, move the furniture if necessary, and dance in your room.

Any kind of dance will engage your movement and teach you rhythm and coordination, which will help you to be more graceful.


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