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Wednesday 9 November 2011


Do you think you are tough? Then I challenge you to give this workout a try. I can guarantee, unless you are a top notch conditioned athlete, this circuit training routine will give you a run for your money. Get ready! Place your bets!! Go!!!!!
This workout was created by Coach Shannon Clark, it is meant to work your body in a way it is not used to and will give it a much needed break from the regular routine.  You won't need a single weight, and even more unbelievable, you won't even need equipment besides a pair of running shoes and most likely lots of water (To drink, of course!)
The following exercises are to be performed in a circuit fashion, taking as minimal rest as possible. Progress from one exercise to the next, performing 20 reps of each, and once you have completed the entire list of exercises repeat again for a total of 6 times through (assuming you make it this far). 

If needed, you can take a one to two minute rest period between each circuit of exercises (after all 6 are completed before moving on to repeat the entire thing once again). 

Remember, as with any other exercise, proper form is essential. Just because you're tired, it is still critical that you maintain the correct position throughout the exercise otherwise you will be really doing no good whatsoever and might as well just go lay on the grass.

Exercise 1: Chinnies
To perform this exercise, lay flat on your back on the floor (or on top of a mat). Next, with your arms out and by your ears, simultaneously bring your knees up to your middle with your head and chest coming to meet them. This should look similar to an accordion action. 

If this is too easy for you, the next step would be to move your arms so that they are directly up and above your head and rise to point towards the ceiling when you crunch up. Since they are increasing your lever length, this will be an added challenge to the exercise.

Exercise 2: Push ups
When performing this classic exercise, remember to keep your body as flat as possible (don't let your back arch upward or downward) and try and go as far down to the ground as possible. Also be sure you hands are no more than shoulder width apart so you are effectively targeting your triceps muscle

Exercise 3: Squats
To perform this exercise place your hands by your ears once again (as you did in the chinnies exercise) and have your feet shoulder width apart. Then fully (and I mean make sure your bum gets as close to the ground as you can manage) squat down, pause and then slowly squat up. 
This is not a speed exercise and should be done in a slowed and controlled manner. Make sure you knees are moving directly in a straight line above your toes or you could risk suffering from knee pain. 

Exercise 4: Jacknives

Jackknives are fairly similar to Chinnies except that you are to have your arms directly up above your head and your legs remain straight. So, laying on your back on the ground, you are going to raise your legs up to the ceiling while also bringing your upper body and arms up as well, so you are making a 'V' shape with your body. 

This is a very difficult exercise for your core and hip flexors and the important thing to remember is to try and keep your legs as straight as possible. 

Also, try your hardest not to let your legs and arms touch the ground on the way back down. If they do, this is alright, however try and advance to a level where they can remain in the air the entire time. 

Exercise 5: Running A's

This exercise is done by starting in a simple standing position. Then you are going to bring one knee up to your chest as far as possible while bringing the opposite elbow down to meet it (with a slight crunch in the waist).

This exercise is a speed exercise and should be completed as quickly as possible (you will begin to take a 'running' motion as you are doing it).

Exercise 6: Burpees
Everyone's favorite!! Start in a standing position and then squat down so that your hands are placed on the floor. Then kick your legs back so they are behind you and you are in the 'up' position of a push up. 

Then once again bring your legs back under you (you will then be in a squat position again) and spring up as high as you can into a full jump, followed by returning once again into your squat position so you are ready to kick your legs back to complete the second rep. Continue these actions in a fluid motion until you have completed all 20 reps.

As with any other exercise, be sure to take a day off between circuits if you are planning on completing this workout a few times per week. It doesn't necessarily have to be done on a regular basis however to reap rewards. 

It could simply be done on a day when you don't feel like going through your normal training or are feeling like challenging yourself with something new. 

One thing this plan will surely teach you though, is that circuit training is definitely not only something for girls with light weights, even the strongest athletes can be put to the test with this one!


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