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Saturday 5 November 2011

Are you Bored with your workout: find your vibe


Many of us get into a workout routine and stagnate. We start out with enthusiasm, but with the passing of time, we find our enthusiasm lessen as we perform the same exercises repetitiously day in, day out.

We need to rethink our philosophies of exercise; we need to stop thinking of fitness as a necessary evil, and start thinking of it as a series of fun activities designed to enable you express yourself in greater colour.

The problem is, if you get bored with your exercise regime, you will feel less inclined to continue, and gradually, you will drop out. 
Therefore its good to switch up your exercises and workout routines from time to time.  Seek out new exercises which will challenge and interest you. Take responsibility for your body and its fitness; work out your own fitness formula, look for what works for you and allows you to express yourself in unique ways. 

 Exercise need not be boring or difficult, it should be fun. Look for something you naturally enjoy doing, become more adventurous, take a few more risks. At the end, you'll not only find more interesting ways of performing exercises, you will have found more effective ways of expressing yourself. sometimes it's the most simple things that have the most profound effect. Savour your exercise routine, if you are going to commit to keeping fit, you might as well enjoy yourself in the process.

Look for more interesting activities. You don't need to be in the gym all the time, exercise with friends (but don't get distracted from your goals)

 This movement is about making mountains move, its about making the right decisions and living life according to your terms. You have to be consistent, you have to operate at 1000%, you have to make the decision to transform your life. Do not allow the difficulties posed by your environment prevent you from enjoying the benefits provided by life. Do not become imprisoned by old ideas and attitudes which have not been working for us. Life is a series of choices; in the course of making choices, we make mistakes and we learn from them.   

When you make the decision to transform your life, ask yourself the following questions:

1.  What have I been doing with respect to my health and physical fitness?
2.  What has been working for me?
3. What doesn't work for me

Work with what works for you, let go of what doesn't. Make a Choice to live your life to its fullest capacity. Commit to finding the most effective workouts that will make you a better person... inside and out.


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