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Tuesday 1 November 2011


Hi guys and girls.

I was feeling seriously lazy today, so i decided to lift a workout from the website of Charles Atlas, one of the greatest bodybuilders that ever lived. Using principles derived from his observation of animals in the zoo, young Charlie devised a training which works by pitting one muscle against the other, thereby creating resistance and building strength.

His system is called Dynamic Tension.....


This exercise, as with all others, requires patience and perseverance. Perform it regularly morning and night. Try to do at least 50 a day, in groups of 5 or 10. If you cannot do this amount, DO NOT STRAIN. Do as many as you can and try to build up to doing 50 a day. You can get the chest development you want by making this directed effort daily. THIS IS HIGHLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT IS LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR OTHER FUTURE EXERCISES. I have named this the "Dipping" Exercise. If performed steadily and faithfully every day, without fail, it can add at least an inch to your chest in THE FIRST 10 DAYS! That's my promise - and the proof is within your grasp! 

Perform the movements of this exercise, if possible, in front of a large mirror.
Step 1.
Place two plain chairs facing each other, front to front, about 18 inches apart.
Step 2.
Rest a hand on the seat of each chair, starting with arms straight, and your body extended in a sloping position, toes on the floor.

Step 3.
Come up slowly until your arms are straight. Bend the elbows as you go down and bring the arms straight as you come up. Breathe out as you come up, breathe in as you go down.
Step 4.
Keeping body rigid, but bending your elbows, dip down as low as you can between the chairs, letting your chest down as near as possible to the floor.

Step 5.
Continue until slightly tired, then start again. This exercise should be practiced faithfully morning and night.

Starting Position

Ending Position

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