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Monday 20 February 2012

Why You have that Stomach Fat

Before you begin burning belly fat and toning your abs, you need to understand a bit more about how your body works and discover why you are battling the bulge.

A lot of people believe that it stems from improper eating or lack of exercise. While this may be the most common case, there can also be other reasons:


After menopause occurs in women, fat begins storing itself in different places and often times focuses around the tummy.


There are two common body types: apple and pear.

If you gain and store fat in lower parts of your body then you would be considered pear-shaped.

If you’re the kind of person that stores more fat in your stomach and middle section than anywhere else then you would be considered apple-shaped.  

Think about your relatives…especially those that are overweight.

If a lot of them are heavier around the middle area then it’s quite possible that you have the genes that make you genetically apple-shaped when you put on excess weight. Meaning your body is more likely to store its fat in your stomach than anywhere else.


This is a big one. And of course, stress doesn’t just make your stomach bigger, it can make everything bigger if you’re not careful.

When you are under stress, your body releases the hormone cortisol. In turn, this hormone causes your liver to make excess sugar that your body doesn’t really need. As a result, you begin to feel hungrier and begin to eat more.

And guess what…a lot of those calories go straight to your stomach!

Improper Digestion

This can also be caused by stress. Improper digestion due to stress may cause several kinds of gastrointestinal problems leaving you gassy and bloated.

Many people who complain about persistent belly fat often times have gas which causes the bloating effect.

Slow Metabolism

As we get older, our metabolism tends to slow down. That means you don’t burn calories as fast or as easily as you did when you were younger. A slower metabolism can also result in extra storage of fat…particularly around the middle.

Poor Posture

Bet you never thought about this one! If you have poor posture, it can give you that "pot belly" appearance. Stand in the mirror hunched over and look at your abdominals. Now stand erect. Look at the difference in how your belly protrudes when you are hunched.

Don't get me wrong, there is probably some unwanted fat there too, but your posture can make a huge difference in how your stomach looks.

Eating Late at Night

If you want to control your stomach fat, you should never eat within three hours of your bedtime. You want your food to have a chance to fully digest before you retire for the evening.

Going to bed with a full stomach puts you at greater risk for fat storage around the middle area. If you are going to munch late at night, eat something healthy like a banana or a small handful of almonds.

Determine Your Cause

As I said earlier, the number one cause of excess stomach fat is improper diet and lack of exercise. We all need to be mindful of that no matter what size we are.

However, as you’ve just seen, there are other factors that contribute to tummy fat as well so it’s important to learn more about why you may have this problem. Particularly if you tend to gain more fat in your stomach than any other part of your body.

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