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Wednesday 28 September 2011


Some people, especially when they have unsuccessfully tried to lose weight, think that they just made to be overweight all their life. They might have spent a lot of time and money on diets, exercise equipment, supplements, and pills, yet nothing seems to work for them. After some time they tend to get depressed and just give up; commonly turning to food as a source of comfort.

If you know someone that has been through this experience, the worst thing you can do is nag the person about their weight. Many people make this mistake in the belief that their comments are meant to motivate the individual; sadly, the contrary is the case. The person becomes more depressed, eats more, and gains more weight.

You have to let the person know that you love them unconditionally. Focus on things he/she might have achieved in the past that he/she, and your family, felt proud of. Feeling good about yourself now will motivate you to treat your body and soul with respect. Healthy eating and activity will result from that self-respect.

I would start by ADDING things to your diet. Eat lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean protein (chicken breast, ground turkey, baked fish, etc.). Also, substitute regular sodas, which by the way, are chock filled with sugar, with one diet soda per week. Sugar is the cornerstone for diabetes, remember. So you should always try to limit the amount of sugar you eat. If you eat too much sugar, your insulin levels may not be able to keep up with you! try making the rest of your beverages green tea, skim milk, lemonade etc. You could also experiment with natural fruit juices until you find one which suits your palate. Please remember, this is not a DIET, but rather a lifestyle change...One that you should adhere to the rest of your life. Here are some tips for your new lifestyle:

****Drink lots and lots of WATER!!!!***** ITS GOOD FOR YOU

Water helps flush out toxins from your system, it also helps to fill you up. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses a day. For the benefits of water <<click here>>. If you find water a tad tasteless, numerous companies market individual pour-in flavoring packs to add taste to your bottle of water.

It’s important to start a regimen of cardiovascular exercise. Find something that you enjoy, or can at least tolerate, that causes you to breath heavily, break a sweat, and increase your heart rate. Do it at least three times a week for 30 minutes. This will increase your metabolism, keep it increased throughout the day, and help you to burn more calories and fat, even when resting. I advise getting a training partner, it helps keep you motivated.

A general rule of thumb is to keep your activity level at a point where you can answer a question, but you cannot carry on a conversation. This will prevent you from carrying on your exercises in a manner which produces little or no benefit.


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