This article is primarily motivated by my current apartment in London. its quite small (10 Sq Ft) and therefore provides me with limited space to work out. I also live with 4 flatmates which limits the kinds of exercises I can perform as I wouldn't want to disturb them with the noise from my workouts. There are times when we only have a very small space to train and relatively little time to train. These exercises are designed for this kind of situation. They are designed to produce optimal results within the limited time and space available.
Prisoner Squat Jumps
This is a great exercise performed in prisons worldwide. they are very useful because of the little amount of space required. This exercise is a really intense and they are a great for building muscles and creating definition in your legs in addition to producing general cardiovascular fitness.
If you've never tried this move, take your time and ease into it with
small jumps. If you feel discomfort or pain, avoid this exercise.
- Begin with feet wide and the hands behind the head.
- Squat as low as you can, taking the torso slightly forward without rounding the back.
- Jump up as high as you can, keeping the hands behind the head.
- Land with soft knees and repeat for 30-60 seconds.
- Add this move at the end of your regular cardio workout for an added boost, or do it a few times during your workout whenever you want to add intensity or mix things up.
Bear Crawls

The bear crawl builds a functionally strong body because it engages many muscle groups including the shoulder, stomach and thigh muscles.
To do the bear crawl, simply drop onto all fours with your hands
directly under your shoulders, then rise up onto your feet. Now you're
in the bear position! You can move forward and backward more quickly
than in a standard crawl, and you'll work every major muscle group in
the process.
Box Jumps
Box jumps are a terrific exercise
for your legs and hips. They can be performed on just about any flat
surface. They do a terrific job on your posterior chain – calves, quads,
glutes, and hamstrings - as well.

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